Safe & Sound Protocol

Safe & Sound Protocol

In order to create healing physically or emotionally, we first need to feel safe.

Discover the Transformational Power of Safe and Sound Protocol


What is the Safe and Sound Protocol?

The Safe and Sound Protocol is a transformative non-invasive listening therapy, restoring your nervous systems ability to regulate, allowing you to thrive in the world from a place of embodied safety.

The Safe and Sound Protocol is a therapy which involves listening to specifically altered/filtered music which stimulates the Vagus Nerve. The Safe and Sound Protocol has been shown to benefit individuals with trauma, anxiety, sensory processing differences, and much more. It creates a feeling of safety in the body which is needed to regulate our nervous system and create healing and connection.

Safe & Sound Protocol

The Safe and Sound Protocol consists of 3 pathways of listening

to music through over-the-ear-headphones.

·      The first pathway, SSP Connect consists of unfiltered music where you can choose the type of music you like to listen to, Classical, Classical calm, Adult or Child playlists as well as getting acquainted with the program platform.

·      The second pathway, SSP Core consists of music that has been filtered in a very specific way to train your nervous system to feel safe. You will work together with Dr. Lotte during this portion of the program as well as doing some independent listening at home with a supportive friend or animal present. This pathway consists of 5 hours of music, and you will listen to this music in the order of the playlist using over-the-ear headphones. Most people complete the Core portion of this protocol in 2-4 weeks.

·      The Third pathway, SSP Balance consists of slightly filtered music that you will listen to on your own after you have completed the SSP Core pathway with Dr. Lotte. This protocol can be listened to through speakers or headphones. This pathway does not have to be listened to in any specific order and you can select any piece of music from the playlist to listen to.

This non-invasive acoustic vagus nerve stimulation activates your body's natural ability to feel safe, fostering a deep sense of physiological security.

As you embark on a journey towards healing and nervous system regulation using the carefully curated SSP playlists, you will immerse yourself in a transformative audio experience delivered through comfortable over-the-ear headphones, via the online ZOOM platform when working together with Dr. Lotte as well as on your own using the SSP app in the comfort of your own home.

The Safe and Sound Protocol helps rewire the intricate pathways of our brain. Say goodbye to the limitations of the past and embrace a future where your nervous system becomes a beacon of resilience, connection, and empowerment.

How It Works:


The Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP) is an evidence-based listening therapy designed to reduce sound sensitivities and improve auditory processing, behavioral state regulation, and social engagement behaviors through filtered music. As a practical application of Polyvagal Theory, the SSP acts as a non-invasive, acoustic vagal nerve stimulator, helping to re-tune the nervous system to better support connection, collaboration and resilience.

The SSP involves listening to specially filtered music through headphones alongside a provider, in-person or remotely. Suitable for children and adults, the SSP has demonstrated benefits for individuals with trauma, anxiety, sensory processing differences and more.

Highlights of the Safe and Sound Protocol:

● A five-hour auditory intervention developed and patented by Dr. Stephen Porges, author of the Polyvagal Theory.

● Designed to reduce sound sensitivity, and improve auditory processing and behavioral state regulation.

● Activates the client’s social engagement system, helping to accelerate and enhance therapeutic outcomes.

● Supports physiological state regulation, allowing for greater resilience.


Polyvagal Theory:

Polyvagal Theory: The Science of Feeling Safe Developed by world-renowned researcher and Unyte’s Chief Scientific Advisor, Dr. Stephen Porges, Polyvagal Theory focuses on what is happening in the body and the nervous system, and explains how our sense of safety, danger or life-threat can impact our behavior. Understanding Polyvagal Theory gives us a scientific framework that can be applied through physiological, or “bottom-up” therapies, to help change and improve how we feel, think and connect with others.

Learn More:

Watch Unyte-iLs: Polyvagal Theory Video on YouTube by clicking here.

Watch Dr. Stephen Porges on Dr. Lotte: Science with Soul Podcast by clicking here.

For more information on the Safe and Sound Protocol visit the Unyte website by clicking here.


Safe and Sound Protocol Accessible Remote Home Program

Intitial 1-Hour Session with Dr. Lotte:

With Dr. Lotte’s guidance she will teach you about the Safe & Sound Protocol, Polyvagal Theory, and guide you as you learn the map of your nervous system, as well as assisting you in getting you set up on the Unyte SSP platform, and the Unyte SSP Music App, which you will utilize for all of your at home listening throughout the course of the program. She will get you started on the SSP Core listening program and as you are listening to this pathway Dr. Lotte will be co-regulating with you and monitoring your nervous system response and get you started with SSP Core listening on your own.

Additional 1-Hour Sessions with Dr. Lotte:

During each of the 1-hour sessions that you schedule as you go along, Dr. Lotte will be following up with you regarding your listening experience at home and how your nervous system is responding. She will be monitoring your listening and nervous system response as well as giving you feedback on your experiences. You may schedule the sessions twice per week, every week, bi-weekly, or once a month depending at the speed in which you feel safe and comfortable proceeding with the program. This program is all about doing things at your own speed and less is more!

Two Follow Up Sessions with Dr. Lotte:

·      During the first follow up session Dr. Lotte after you have completed the Core listening portion of the SSP Program, Dr. Lotte will review and re-assess your nervous system as well as get you started with the SSP Balance protocol.

·      During the second follow up session Dr. Lotte after you have finished the Balance protocol, Dr. Lotte will again review and re-assess your nervous system.

What’s Included in the Safe and Sound Protocol Accessible Remote Home Program:

  • 1-Hour session working with Dr. Lotte using the Safe & Sound Protocol together and learning about Nervous System Regulation as well as access to the Unyte platform.

  • You will spend approximately 3-4 hours doing remote at home listening of the SSP on your own time, with a supportive listening partner or supportive animal present. Assessment of Autonomic Nervous System together with Dr. Lotte. If you don’t have a supportive listening partner at home, you may need to schedule additional sessions with Dr. Lotte at a rate of $200.00 per hour.

  • Assess Your Nervous System Intake Forms

  • Self-Regulating Exercises with Dr. Lotte

  • Mapping Your Nervous System with Dr. Lotte

  • Access to the Unyte SSP platform and the Unyte SSP Music App for Apple or Android products via the Apple App store or Google Play.

  • Choice of music playlists; Classical calm, Classical flow, Adult, Child.

    • Access to the SSP Connect program, non-filtered music.

    • Access to the SSP Core program, the filtered therapeutic music.

    • Access to SSP Balance to be used after the 5 hours of Core SSP has been completed.

  • Link to access listening device remotely on your device of choosing (smartphone and earphones, earbuds, or headphones required and supplied by you)

  • Secure end to end encrypted account at Unyte platform to access your personal dashboard and monitor progress

  • Log in sheets for daily recording of your discoveries

  • 2 month access to the SSP music App and Unyte platform.

  • Nervous System Self-Regulating Activities E-Book.

  • Monitoring of your progress at home via email and portal by Dr. Lotte

How It’s Delivered:

 ·      Remote partially facilitated delivery by Dr. Lotte over Zoom platform.

·      You will also listen on your own at home with a supportive partner, friend, or animal via the App on your smartphone.

Equipment Needed for SSP:

1.     A pair of over the ear headphones, without noise cancelling. Bluetooth is ok. It is important there is no noise cancelling feature turned on as this will interfere with the filtered music delivery. Click here for suggested headphones.

2.     Phone with access to Apps. (You will need to download the App for listening to the music).

Average Number of Sessions:

·       The average number of sessions typically needed to complete the 5-Hour Core portion of the protocol of the filtered music, is four 1-Hour sessions with Dr. Lotte. You will also do your own listening at home in between your sessions with Dr. Lotte.

·       However, every individual has a unique nervous system and may experience a different timeline when it comes to the Safe & Sound Protocol. There is no correct or wrong way to progress through your program’s timeline. You journey at the speed in which your nervous system signals are safe and ready to proceed.

·       If you find yourself in the position where you require additional SSP sessions or guidance outside of the four sessions, you may schedule as many additional 1-Hour sessions for $200.00 as needed.

·       If you for any reason would need additional time to complete your program, you can add on another month of access to the platform for $100.00/month.


Pricing Information for the Safe and Sound Protocol Accessible Remote Home Program:

·       The price of the Safe & Sound Protocol Accessible Remote Home Program, which includes the first hour of working with Dr. Lotte as well as 2 months access to the SSP platform is $399.00.

·       You will then schedule additional sessions with Dr. Lotte at a rate of $200.00/hour.


Sign up for the Safe & Sound Protocol Accessible remote home program

and Schedule your first 1-hour SSP session!

Select your time zone below & click on the BOLDED dates to see available session times.

Schedule Additional 1-hour SSP sessions

Select your time zone below & click on the BOLDED dates to see available session times.